I dream of retirement. Technically, it's slated for July of 2016, but with the way our economy is, and the high cost of health insurance (I thought ObamaCare was going to fix that), I'm not sure I can pull the plug quite that early. Since I work for the State of Minnesota, I'm pretty sure I can cut down to working only three days a week and still get my health insurance paid for. Then I could draw my full retirement without any penalty for earnings (not sure about that, better check it out).
Retirement will not be sitting on the couch watching Netflix movies. I'll continue my three passions: Grandkids, performing my original songs, and genealogy research. I should also be able to shed some pounds as I'll be more active riding bike and walking.
My dad tried to retire from his employer, Midland Co-op, but they kept leaning on him to take assignments. He was an Operational Consultant who covered five states trying to improve the profitability for local co-operatives who had contractual agreements with his company. In simple terms, he was an auditor. Eventually dad retired, and I don't think he missed the job, though I'm sure he missed the camaraderie.
The two bits of advice I can give to young folks is to SAVE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU CAN and INCUR AS LITTLE DEBT AS YOU CAN. It may not seem a big deal now, but if you can afford to retire at 55 or 60 instead of 66 or 70, it will be worth the sacrifices you made in your younger years. Then you may enjoy a much longer retirement.
Thanks for hearing me out!
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